Imagine walking into your first classroom full of excitement and ready to teach your students. The big day arrives and you are over joyed, however by the end of the day you are now over loaded. This is the reality of many of today's teachers. In years past twenty students was considered the limit capacity for a single classroom. In today's classroom should be so lucky to only have twenty students. It is not uncommon for teachers to have twenty five or more students in a single class. Instead of preparing lesson plans and centers, teachers are spending time figuring out how they can fit more desks in the room. Every teacher wants their students to have a well laid out classroom. The perfect centers in every corner with the dedicated library area and computer center. However with over twenty-five students in the class there is simply no room. After playing a modern day game of "Tetris" in your classroom, you now have the duty of teaching your over crowded classroom. All of your learners! This includes your students who are gifted and talented and your students who require accommodations and pull-outs. So just what is a teacher to do? You were excited coming into the class. Now reality has settled in and you must do what every teacher across the country is doing...your best! At the end of the day regardless of your class size, you will be held responsible for each and every student. In this blog we will discuss the issues that come with the over crowded class, and we will also discuss how teachers are finding ways to function and succeed in the classroom. As unfair as this obstacle may be, together we will master the over crowded classroom.