Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Over the past couple weeks we have seen that overcrowded classroom is in fact an issue. We have also looked at how it is illegal, yet still remains an issue in most if not all 50 states. Lastly, we looked at what some of the effects of an overcrowded classroom are. We get it, it’s a problem but like every math teacher would say “where there is a problem there is a solution”! So just what are some of the solutions for an overcrowded classroom? Ideally our country would give our schools more money, so that we could hire more teachers, and build more schools. Maybe some of our celebrities, or football players would donate money to the schools (Brad& Angelina please it’s for the kids). Unfortunately, since that is as likely to happen as my chances of winning the lotto, here are two of my suggested solutions.
·                                                                                                                                       Organization

Yes, organization is not only good for knowing where everything is. With more students comes less room; so we must organize every inch of our room to get the most out of it. If you’re going to have stations consider plastic bins. Load each bin with a variety of options (games, worksheets, etc.) so that your stations don’t have to be changed every day.

                                                                                                                              Assigned seats

I know what you’re thinking; I get a new student everyday how can I possibly keep up with seating charts. Don’t this is a great chance to assign roles in the classroom. As a whole decide where everyone will sit in the beginning. Afterwards have a seat chart officer. It will be there job to rotate students every few weeks. If there is an issue with the seating they can write a ticket, and have the student get a warning at first. If it remains an issue they get their final ticket automatic transfer to a new table. Be creative you have 25+ students utilize them…you’re a community work together!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Do Overcrowded classrooms effect student and teachers?

     There is no denying that an overcrowded classroom is a problem throughout America.  However does it actually affect the classroom? ABSOLUTELY! Some of the most common affects include…
·        Teachers being over worked
·        Less instructional time
·        More behavioral issues
·        Shortage of supplies
·        Students slip through the cracks
·        Lower test scores
 How is it possible for a couple of extra students in a classroom to have such huge effects? Simple with more students in the classroom, comes a higher demand for supplies for assignments. Now that there are more assignments there are also more papers to be graded. More papers to grade leaves less time for lesson planning. Fewer lesson planning time means teachers now come to class unprepared, and instead have to teach lessons on a whim. Teaching lessons on the whim leads to students coming off task, since it is not planned out ahead of time. When student get off task behavioral issues will arise. When behavioral issues arrive students loose instruction time; because the teacher must now deal with behavioral issues.  Students receive less instruction time therefor they do not acquire the knowledge for the state mandated testing. When students begin to fail testing the schools will worry about scores, which in turn will cause them to work harder with the kids on the bubble between passing and failing. For the students who are below the line of possibly passing, they unfortunately will slip through the crack and be forgotten. This scenario while it may seem harsh and unlikely is the unfortunate truth for many of the schools throughout the country.
     Is there any hope for our students? Absolutely, we will look at how some teachers are finding ways to overcome the overcrowded classroom; next week. Until then thank you for reading!
 For more information on the impact overcrowded classrooms has on the class and school building itself. Please check out the following website. http://www2.ed.gov/offices/OESE/archives/inits/construction/impact2.html 

Monday, September 7, 2015


What’s the legal number of students for a classroom? Is there even such a thing?

     The answer to these questions varies according to where you live. Various states have laws that set a limit to the number of students enrolled in a classroom. For instance, the legal cap for a classroom in Texas is 22 students per classroom. However working at a local elementary school in Texas there are 25+ students in each class. How is it possible that the legal cap is 22, yet there are 25+ students in the classroom? Like any wonderful law there are exceptions to the rules. Schools are allowed to apply for an exemption to the law, if they are able to prove that they are in hardship and require the exemption. Then there are the states that have no limits to the number of students in a classroom. I was shock to fine that 15 out of 50 states have no limit. States include Arizona, Washington, and Kansas just to name a few. California has no “hard limit” for the numbers student in a class but they try to keep it to 20 for grades K-3. If you would like more information on your individual states class size limit follow the link below. On this website you can choose your state, as well as see what the exact requirements for an exemption to the rules are. I hope you find the information helpful. Thanks for reading…until next week!
