Sunday, October 4, 2015

Solutions Part Two

Welcome back readers, last week we talked about two possible solutions for over crowded classrooms. To review here they are again…
1.   Organization
2.   Seating charts
I realized that I just gave you solutions and sent you on your way without any help. I apologize here is a link to a website with 100 organization tips.
 I also found a website that has pictures as well as pros and cons to different seating arrangements, check it out.
           After you have your seating arranged, and your class organized, what should you do next? Routine, routine, routine!


When teachers have a reliable routine in the class it gives students security. When a student feels secure and knows what will be happening in their class, they are able to focus and get work done. Routine is also great for you as a teacher, because you will have more time for meaningful instruction.  Each class will vary with routines so find out what works best for yours.

          Now that you are organized, have a seating chart, and have a routine down, you should focus on rules. Rules are usually set by the school but you should also have your own for the classroom. Allow your students to help create them. If you teach on a block schedule; have each class make their individual rules. This gives the student ownership and they are more likely to follow them. Remember regardless of the size your class is a community so treat it as such. I hope these tips are helpful, until next week readers!

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